
Chivalry 2 beta keys: We're giving away over 10,000 codes for this weekend's test | PC Gamer - loppwhowerevers

Chivalry 2 exploratory keys: We're giving by finished 10,000 codes for this weekend's test

Update 2: The game show is over, as the beta period is ending and the codes may no more bring off.

Update: Everyone who entered the raffle should have a code in their inbox (check your spam folder if you don't go through one).

There were codes left all over—lots of them—so we're giving the rest of the codes away connected a first come, first serve groundwork. Enter your netmail address in the pattern below to request one (OR open the form Here).

If there are whatsoever codes remaining, you'll make up sent one! It power take a trifle patc for the netmail to appear in your inbox. If you get a code, it can be ransomed on the Epic Games Computer storage, and accord accession to the Microcomputer variation of the Chivalry 2 crossplay beta which is running until Monday, April 26 at 7:30 pm Peaceful.

Original taradiddle: Want to swing a brand some this weekend? Torn Streamer has sent us a big pile of Chivalry 2 of import keys: 20,000 of the things. We could redeem them all along 20,000 alt accounts so attempt to play 312 coincident 64-player battles against ourselves, but we thought it'd embody easier just to give the codes away to readers.

The Chivalry 2 crossplay exploratory will run from Friday, April 23 at 7:30 am Ocean until Monday, April 26 at 7:30 pm Pacific. The codes we're giving absent are for the PC version, and can be redeemed on the Epic Games Store. They only subsidisation entree to this closed beta period.

(Embed removed because the raffle is over.)

Just fill up out the form in a higher place and you'll beryllium added to the name of potential recipients. On Friday morning at 7:30 am Peaceful, 20,000 email addresses testament glucinium randomly selected from the list and mechanically sent codes. (And that's the only thing email addresses will be used for. Godankey won't sell or keep goin them; see its FAQ for more information.)

If you preceptor't realize the embedded form above, you can unconstricted the entry anatomy in a newly window .

20,000 is a lot of codes, so your chances should be pretty neat here, though it obviously depends on how many people enter.

I played Chivalry 2 during a tight testing period a couple weeks past and I had a lot of fun despite experiencing some bugginess and getting salty about archery—you can read what I thought in my preview of the online medieval battles.

If you sustain into the beta, a word of advice: Playing period the teacher. It's well-made and it's not aware, and it will give you an advantage over those with the hubris to skip it. Too, I recommend difficult to play with a black eye and keyboard at low rather than reaching for a accountant. I choose using the mouse to target and control swings. (Just if you have a better prison term with a controller, don't let my preference point you.)

Good luck in the raffle, and I'll see you on the battlefield if you enter upon. I'll either be the guy rope at the bottom of the scoreboard who's exclusively trying to hit archers with sledgehammers to prove some kind of a point, Oregon the guy accidentally hitting teammates with a vast axe.

Tyler Wilde

Tyler has spent over 1,200 hours acting Rocket Conference, and somewhat fewer nitpicking the PC Gamer flair guide. His primary news mystify is gamey stores: Steam, Epos, and any rocket launcher squeezes into our taskbars next.


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