
How To Use Door Skin Repair Kit

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Hollow cadre doors are much cheaper and more mutual than doors made of solid wood, but they are also a lot more frail and prone to damage. While holes in your doors or cruddy scratches might seem difficult to repair, you can get them fixed up in no more than a day or two. Simply patch upward holes or fill in the scratches before refinishing the surface and your door will look good as new in no time!

  1. ane

    Cut away any loose or broken wood from around the hole or crack. Depending on how the door was damaged, there may be some loose splinters or fragments effectually the edges of the hole or crack. Rather than trying to repair these, utilise a utility knife to cutting away any damaged wood until you're left with a clean hole free from crude edges.[one]

    • Always cut abroad from yourself when working with a utility pocketknife, particularly when cutting through something sturdy like forest.
    • You lot may need to make the hole or crack bigger before you can begin repairing it. It's much easier to repair a larger hole free from damaged wood than it is to repair a smaller one that's fragmented or broken.
  2. ii

    Pack the hole with paper towels. While the paper towels won't make the door stronger or repair information technology, they are an easy and affordable way to agree the insulation foam in place while it dries. Bunch up a few newspaper towels and stuff them around the lesser and sides of the hole or scissure you desire to repair.[2]

    • Paper towels work as they are lite enough to agree their own weight inside the door. If y'all don't have newspaper towels, utilize some tissue newspaper or something similarly low-cal.


  3. 3

    Fill the hole with expanding foam insulation. Expanding insulation foam comes in a spray tin can with a long nozzle on the top. Point the nozzle into the hole or crack in your door and begin spraying. The foam will expand to fill the space inside the door, with any excess expanding outside the pigsty through the face of the door.[3]

    • Expanding insulation cream should exist available online or from your local hardware store. For a smaller space, a low-expansion blazon may be easier to handle.
  4. four

    Leave the insulation foam to dry overnight. Once the insulation foam has filled in the hole or crack, it needs to dry all the way through before it can exist cut or sanded down. Go out the cream to sit for four to 5 hours or ideally overnight and so that it tin dry completely.[4]

    • Check the instructions on your ain brand of insulation cream for more than guidance on how long it will take to dry.
  5. five

    Trim away the excess foam with a utility pocketknife. Position a utility knife slightly above any protruding insulation cream and then that information technology is affluent with the confront of the door. Run the knife down the confront of the door to cut away any excess foam, trimming it until the foam sits no more than inches (two.5 mm) below the face of the door.[v]

  6. six

    Apply a layer of auto-torso filler for a potent repair. Mix together 2 parts of an automobile-body filler and one part of a hardener catalyst and spread the mixture over the pigsty in your door. Use the border of a putty pocketknife to smear and press the mixture over the hole, filling in any gaps and making it roughly flush with the door.[6]

    • Auto-trunk filler is a compound that will give you lot a very strong door, only it can be quite difficult to work with. It will usually come packaged with a hardener catalyst designed specifically to activate it. This production is bachelor online or at your local hardware or automobile store.
  7. 7

    Cover the hole with spackle for a quicker fix. [seven] If you don't have auto-body filler, you lot can use spackle instead. Utilize a putty knife to scoop out some spackle and spread it over the hole in your door. Work in long, smoothen strokes to smear the spackle over the door equally smoothly and evenly as possible.[8]

    • Spackle is readily available, affordable, and very piece of cake to work with.
    • Spackle is available online or from your local hardware store.
  8. 8

    Wait 1 hour for the surface to dry out. Whether you lot repaired the door with spackle or an auto-body filler chemical compound, it will take around 1 hour for your repair compound to dry completely. Leave the door to dry out until it is hard to the touch.[nine]

    • Check the instructions on your spackle or auto-body filler compound for more information on how long information technology will accept to dry.
  9. ix

    Sand downward the surface of the door. [10] Apply a sheet of coarse dust sandpaper, effectually 100- to 120-grit, to begin sanding downwardly your repair compound. Sand off the spackle or automobile-body filter until information technology is level with the surface of the door and it looks flat.[eleven]

    • Sanding down the door volition help you smoothen out the repair job to make it less visible. However, it will crude up the surface around the hole or crevice. To fix this and make the door expect completely undamaged, paint or stain the door.[12]


  1. 1

    Utilise very fine grit sandpaper to remove loose splinters and pigment. Use 320-grit sandpaper to sand downward any areas where the paint is peeling and/or the forest is splintering. Clean up the scratched area then that you can patch it rather than piecing it back together.[xiii]

    • If the woods is significantly splintered, vesture heavy gloves while sanding to avoid injuring yourself.
  2. ii

    Use a generous coat of woods filler to the scratched area. Squeeze or spread a pocket-sized dollop of wood filler over each scratch on your door. Employ your finger or a putty knife to spread the filler around and printing it into the scratches. Endeavour to achieve a polish stop that is even and level with the balance of the door.[14]

    • Wood filler is available online or from your local hardware store. It will either come up premixed in a tube or in 2 separate parts that need to be combined before using it. Follow the instructions on your wood filler for the best results.
  3. 3

    Exit the filler to dry for xv to 20 minutes. The filler needs to gear up and fully adhere to the forest in order for it to repair the door. Once you lot take pressed filler into all of the scratches, leave it for xv to 20 minutes to dry out fully, until information technology is completely solid to the affect.[15]

    • Cheque the instructions on your wood filler for more information on expected drying times.
  4. four

    Sand down the wood filler with 320-grit sandpaper. One time the filler has stale, use very fine dust sandpaper to sand down previously scratched surface area. Work in smooth, deliberate strokes to remove any excess wood filler and flatten the surface of the door.[16]

    • Painting over the sanded surface area will brand any irregular bumps more than obvious. Run your paw over the area you patched with wood filler to grab whatsoever areas that demand more sanding and smoothing.
  5. 5

    Make clean the area with a clammy paper towel or sponge. Sanding the wood and pigment around the scratched area can produce a significant amount of dust and debris that can ruin the expect of the repaired door. Dampen a clean fabric or a paper towel and lightly wipe down the area to make clean up any grit left backside.


  1. 1

    Sand down the expanse y'all repaired and wipe away the dust. To make sure the paint or wood stain sticks evenly to the area yous are painting or staining, use 220-grit sandpaper to sand downwardly the repaired area. Use a vacuum cleaner or a clammy cloth to wipe away any grit or droppings.[17]

    • Dust will forbid the paint from sticking to the door properly, leaving an uneven surface. Clean abroad any dust earlier refinishing the door.
  2. two

    Remove whatever hardware or hinges from the door. It'due south best to paint or stain the entire door to reach an even cease, rather than only painting or staining the area yous repaired. Use a screwdriver to remove the hardware from the door. Y'all might need to remove the doorknob, hinges, or a strike plate near the base of the door.[18]

    • If you want to remove the door from its hinges entirely, press a nail against the base of operations of each hinge pivot and utilize a hammer to pop out the pins. This will let yous refinish the door elsewhere and brand the job easier.
    • Check the screws in each plumbing fixtures or fixture to choose the right screwdriver to utilise. You should always remove and reattach fixtures to a hollow cadre door with a screwdriver, as an electric drill can easily impairment the door.
    • Alternatively, y'all could utilise painter'due south tape to tape off areas y'all don't want to paint over.
  3. 3

    Discover paint or woods stain that matches the color of your door. Choosing the correct color of paint or wood stain will make sure that the repaired door matches the residual of the doors in your habitation. Ask an employee at your local hardware store for some paint or forest stain samples or ask for help in choosing the right paint to match the color of your door.[19]

    • While taking a picture of your door to aid lucifer the color might seem like a good idea, it won't e'er atomic number 82 to a direct match. The lighting in your habitation, the blazon of photographic camera used, and the fashion the picture is printed or displayed volition all modify the color.
    • If y'all tin, bring in a sample of the door to help match it — such every bit a piece of the door you lot cutting away when outset repairing it.
  4. 4

    Apply an even coat of paint or forest stain to the entire door. Use a broad, all-purpose paintbrush or a pigment roller to utilise a unmarried coat of pigment or wood stain to the door. Paint or stain any grooves or panels commencement, then paint long, fifty-fifty strokes over the residue of the door to avoid leaving visible lines.[20]

    • If you're worried about making a mess, lay down a drop cloth or some old paper underneath the door before yous brainstorm painting.
  5. five

    Exit the door to dry for iii to 4 hours. Once you lot've applied the showtime coat, allow the door to dry out for three to 4 hours. Even slight contact with the door can harm the finished look, so brand certain everyone who might come up in contact with it knows that it is nevertheless wet.[21]

    • Check the instructions on your chosen paint or stain for more information on the expected time information technology takes for it to dry.
  6. half-dozen

    Apply a second coat of paint or wood stain and let information technology dry out. Each coat that you employ to the door will darken the color slightly and improve the expect overall. One time the first coat has dried, apply a second coat to aid obscure any imperfections visible from the first coat. Leave it to dry fully until the door is no longer clammy or tacky to the bear on.[22]

    • Many interior paints and stains will have several days to cure completely. Be careful with your repaired door for 1 week later painting it to avoid damaging your coat of pigment.
    • Y'all can apply as many coats of paint or stain as you lot want, simply 2 or three coats will ordinarily be plenty to make your door look fantastic.


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  • Question

    Should I fix my door or replace it?

    Barry Zakar

    Barry Zakar is a professional handyman and the founder of Niggling Red Truck Home Services based in the San Francisco Bay Expanse. With over ten years of experience, Barry specializes in a variety of carpentry projects. He is skilled at constructing decks, railings, fences, gates, and various pieces of piece of furniture. Barry also holds his MBA from John F. Kennedy University.

    Barry Zakar

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    Most hollow cadre doors are fairly inexpensive and esasy to supersede. If the hole in your door is large, simply go ahead and replace the door. However, for a modest hole, you lot may be able to patch it with spackle, then sand and repaint it to match.

  • Question

    Can y'all patch a hollow cadre door?

    Barry Zakar

    Barry Zakar is a professional handyman and the founder of Piffling Red Truck Abode Services based in the San Francisco Bay Area. With over x years of experience, Barry specializes in a variety of carpentry projects. He is skilled at constructing decks, railings, fences, gates, and various pieces of furniture. Barry as well holds his MBA from John F. Kennedy University.

    Barry Zakar

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  • If the hole in your door is adequately big, it may be more than effective to only replace the entire door.[23]



Things You'll Need

  • Utility knife
  • Paper towels
  • Expanding insulation cream
  • Auto-body filler or spackle
  • Putty knife
  • 120-grit sandpaper
  • 320-grit sandpaper
  • 320-grit sandpaper
  • Forest filler
  • Putty knife
  • Damp fabric or paper towels
  • 220-grit sandpaper
  • Paint or wood stain
  • Wide, all-purpose paintbrush or paint roller

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Article Summary X

To repair a damaged hollow cadre door, start by cutting away any loose or cleaved wood around the damage using a utility pocketknife. And then, pack the pigsty or crack with paper towels, and fill it in with expanding foam insulation. Next, let the insulation dry out completely before trimming abroad the excess with a pocketknife. Finally, cover the area with spackle, and permit it dry before sanding it downwards so it'south flush with the balance of the door. To learn how to refinish a hollow core door, scroll downwards!

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